Through the Roof

Remember that time that Jesus was in town and these four friends said to themselves, “We should take our paralyzed friend to see Jesus so He can heal him!” So they carried their friend on his mat to the house where Jesus was but it was so crowded they couldn’t get in. So they took their friend up to the roof and DUG A HOLE in the roof so they could lower him to Jesus. And Jesus healed him. Do you know why? Because Jesus saw their (the friends) faith and He healed the man. It wasn’t the man’s faith that impressed Jesus but the faith of his friends. Faith that was strong enough to convince them to carry him when he could not walk on his own. Faith that said, “Jesus can heal you,” when the broken man didn’t know if he even believed it himself. Faith that said “We don’t know how to help him; all we know is that you can. So here we are, carrying him to you.” Faith that digs through THE ROOF, y’all. Because nothing was gonna stop them from getting their friend to the one who could heal his heart and body. I don’t know about you, but that’s the kind of friend I want to be.

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I am a wife and a stay-at-home mom with five hilarious children :) This blog will be a chronicle of the smiles, the tears and the shenanigans of our everyday lives. Hope you enjoy!!

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