Stormy Skies

I’m not a fan of driving in bad weather. I was so excited to move away from Colorado and not have to worry about driving in the snow anymore. We plan, God laughs – I moved to Florida and have to drive in rain on the regular now. Usually it’s not too bad but last night it was pouring on our way to church. Brandon had gone early to help set up for the End of the School Year Bash so I was driving. The windshield wipers were going double time, lightning was flashing; thunder was rumbling and I was white knuckling the steering wheel and reminding myself to breathe. We made it just fine, but it got me to thinking. If Brandon had been driving in those exact same conditions and I had been the passenger it would have been a whole different experience; because I totally trust the driver. Now if you ask him I have my fair share of backseat driver advice, but in general I know he’s a good, safe, confident driver; so I can just sit back and relax. Man I wish I could remember that when I’m “driving” through storms in my life. I suppose I feel like I’m the one who has to get myself through it. Scared, anxious and alone. That’s so ridiculous when God has promised to always be with us. “The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged” Deuteronomy 31:8. If only I would take the pressure off myself and let Him get in the driver’s seat so I can relax because I trust Him. Would I still feel compelled to make some backseat driver comments? Let’s be real – of course I would. But would the trip be so much smoother knowing God had it under control and was going through it with me? Absolutely. I think that warrants a change, don’t you?


I am a wife and a stay-at-home mom with five hilarious children :) This blog will be a chronicle of the smiles, the tears and the shenanigans of our everyday lives. Hope you enjoy!!

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